Calling all millennials! Here it is, the perfect opportunity to make the reference that’s been on the tip of your tongue since 2007: Jennifer Lopez rang in the New Year in Aspen wearing the boots. The boots…with the fur.
Shortie did not have those apple-bottom jeans, however. Instead, Lopez paired her iconic footwear with a little black bikini and a matching cowboy hat, the brim tipped low over her eyes because she’s demure.
Lopez’s look was one of many shared in a video montage of her time in Colorado, which she uploaded to Instagram on January 2. It appears she embraced Aspen culture with open arms, sporting her black cowboy hat in several photos and flashbacks, as well as a fair isle sweater, a fur jacket, and a pom-pom topped beanie.
Of course, she brought a little of that classic J.Lo flair to Aspen via her oversize sunnies, her favorite barrel-leg jeans, and platform Uggs. Jennifer Lopez is still gonna Jennifer Lopez.
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